I am a Viking. It is a realization that has slowly been dawning on me my entire life. When I was younger it was a cool badass imagery of my ancestors being large powerful individuals with wild manes of flowing hair and beards under horned helmets biting their shields and striking terror into their foes hearts with raised axes and swords, taking what they wanted and leaving their marks upon the landscape of history. Then as American Globalist, Feminist, Consumerist indoctrination slowly took its toll my fascination with my ancestors gave way to work, marriage, family, making ends meet, being able to afford more stuff. Couple that with being made to feel as though there is something inherently wrong with being white, male, and loving my country, and I was left with a case of who am I and what am I doing here. "White Americans have no history or culture" we are told. We should apologize, bow down, and embrace every other culture but our own, and by all means keep buying more shit you cant afford so you can impress others you don't even know or like. Also just keep watching and reacting to the loaded agendas, and programming that we will feed you in the guise of News and Entertainment. Anything we can do for you to keep you numb and blind to the innate power, and control that you have to create your life your way for you and yours.
Being done with the morass of other peoples feelings, wants, and desires for me, I am know learning from and listening to my ancestors for they are of another world, time and place. This mysterious attraction too or pull towards all things Norse is no longer just something cool or hardcore but a part of who I am at a genetic level. It is a thing/force that is simultaneously great, dark, awful, and terrible, yet also blindingly bright, and achingly beautiful. It is an intuitive wellspring of passion and emotion and of ice cold clarity. it is who I have always been and always will be. I am a Viking and that means that I am expanding my Ancestral Inheritance and following the example of our (Northern European/ Germanic peoples) greatest Ancestor Odin the All-father who clearly exemplified that the only way to become more is to continually sacrifice all that you are in order to become all that you can be.
In this blog I will share a part of my journey my thoughts and my experiences as I learn more About ASATRU which means the worship of the Gods of the Germanic Pantheon, and how to apply it to my life as a modern Viking. I have always had a passion for Reading, Writing and so finally as a middle aged adult I am doing something about it. I intend to improve as a writer and offer something useful to myself and to the reader.
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